Will I be able to see a full proof of the book before it is printed?

Updated by Anita Licis-Ribak

Yes, with our Premium Service option. Once you place the order and tell us that the letters are ready, we will prepare a PDF file and send it to you for previewing. You can then make changes directly to the on-line album, or ask us for help, and we will generate an updated preview. We will repeat the process up to three times to make sure all looks just right for printing. Note that our web-based interface does not (yet) enable an automated book preview; we actually have to create the layout manually, and that requires placing a book order.

If you are not choosing the Premium Service, you may request a PDF version along with the hardcover or software (at an extra cost). We will send you the file within 1-2 business days; that way you can see what it looks like before printing. Note that we don't charge for the physical book order until a copy is delivered --so if you decide to cancel the order, we will only charge for the PDF.

If you want to get a detailed idea of what our books look like, you can look at this sample.

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